La Psychose En Rose

One day, in the morning, Rosalie discovers with horror that her husband is missing. In a universe inspired of Hitchcock’s Rear Window, carry out the investigation to find who is the responsible of this terrible loss, under the oppressive look of hostile and eccentric neighbords…

The Game

  • Genre: Adventure, Investigation, Thriller
  • Platform: PC (Windows)
  • Context: 2 months Mentored Project (~110 hours)
  • Team: 4 people

The gameplay can be summarized in 4 points :

  1. Investigate in a time loop of 5 minutes. Write the final hypothesis with the name of your prime suspect to break it.
  2. Talk to your daughter about your discoveries to get some advices.
  3. Watch your neighbors and interact with objects to make deductions on your notebook.
  4. And be watched… Beware of the neighbors’ field of view.
Screen carnet

My work

As a Game Designer, I designed the notebook system and the stalking neighbors mechanic, while writing technical documents such as the Game Design Document. I also balanced the game, using the Rational Game Design’s tools. Then, as a Level Designer, I designed the layout of the furniture, the neighbors’ view areas (see diagrams below) and thought about the player’s path. As a Narrative Designer, I worked on the environmental narrative by writing the enigmas, designing interactable objects and writing the hypothesis for the notebook (game’s core gameplay). I also wrote a part of the multiple choice dialogs (see diagram below). I worked on the staging, in particular placing and adjusting the lights.

In addition, I helped our main programmer by developing features, integrating most of the assets and by adding lightings and particle systems. I also modeled in 3D all the furniture of the apartement, based on our artist’s concept art.

Plan meubles
Plan faisceaux